HLTC23H3 Chapter Notes -Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Lev Vygotsky

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Lecture 2: the ecological model of child development. By modern age, childhood was worthy of study and soon mothering was worthy of study starting to draw away from the botanical view of child development (add onto the same like a plant) Freud: little devils ; piaget: little scientists/thought sacks ; vygotsky: little apprentices . * bronfenbrenner"s ecological approach to understanding child development is best suited to our project of linking macro variables to child outcomes. Believed in genetic epistemology as an approach to understanding development (wanted to know where genetic structure came from) structuralist. Was a constructivist he thought that we used thoughts like building blocks: organization (how children organize stimuli in surroundings, adaptation. Construct their understanding of the world through hypothesis testing. You receive information about the world and assess the information. It does not fit with your pre-existing theory. It is the basis of how we organize our world.