IDSB04H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Global Health, Health Equity, Infant Mortality

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Chapter 13 building healthy societies: from ideas to action. Global health initiatives and ppps prioritize technical magic bullets at the expense of integrated and comprehensive approaches to well-being. Global health progress is usually measured in terms of disease control and eradication achievements, number of cases prevented, infant mortality declines and improvements in life expectancy: these are often the goals of global and transnational actors. The bmgf - they make an end date where the lives of the people living in poor countries will improve by that time. They give people vaccinations, and they believe that through simple actions like hand-washing as well as innovations like new toilets that are designed for poor places. This (cid:448)ie(cid:449) does(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:272)o(cid:374)side(cid:396) the (cid:396)ole of po(cid:449)e(cid:396) a(cid:374)d resource inequalities that determine the distribution of health and well-being. Global health can be gauged where it is more narrowly focused: ex. The goal should be to allow people to thrive, equitably and over the long term.

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