IDSB04H3 Chapter 1&2: Chapter 1&2 Notes

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Lifestyle- genetic makeup -geography - resources (health care infrastructure) Investing in health-which involves multiple layers of determinants, and investing in health care which is one determinant of health (i. e. hospitals, medicine) Term international health forst came to use in the early 20th century after sovereign countries began to recognize the value of intergovernmental cooperation and established permanent bodies to address health issues that crossed national borders. New arena reflected the interests of imperial powers to protect int commerce and fend off epidemics of diseases (such as cholera, plague) 1 box1-1: global public good, int agreements, disease control and research, social justice, security: social unrest, bioterrorism, fear of pandemics. In health field is built upon the helath-related agreements to which most countries are signatories. The ethical, human rights, and legal dimensions of these agreements provide a framework of state obligations, coop, and shared global governance in the name of improving int health.

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