IDSB04H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Social Medicine, Human Development Index, Structural Adjustment

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Chapter 4 notes political economy of health and development . Approaches to explain health & disease: biomedical model, behavioral model, political economy approach. These approaches are not mutually exclusive as they do overlap. Body is a machine w/ constituent parts (organs systems, genes, etc) Health is understood as absence of disease . Genetics/ heredity and personal lifestyle predispose ppl to disease. Belief in pharmacology and surgery to improve health. Health and illness are primarily a consequences of individual or household actions and beliefs. The individual or household is responsible for one"s health outcome. Reward for healthy living or the (inevitable) outcome of poor lifestyle choices and lead to deficiencies. Regulation or changes in our personal attitudes through education, counseling, are required in order to achieve desirable health outcomes. Factor in political, social, cultural, and economic contexts in which disease and illness arise. Examine the roles of societal structures interacting w/ certain conditions that lead to either good or bad health.

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