MGEB06H3 Chapter : Week 9 chapter notes

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Chapter 11: aggregate demand ii: applying the is-lm model notes the intersection of the is curve and the lm cure determines the level of national income. N when one of these curves shifts, the sr equilibrium of the economy changes, and national income fluctuates. How monetary policy shifts the lm curve and changes the short-run equilibrium. N monetary transmission mechanism the process by which changes in the money supply influence the amount that households. 11. 2 is-lm as a theory of aggregate demand. From the is-lm model to the aggregate demand curve. The money hypothesis again: the effects of falling prices. Summary: the is-lm model is a general theory of the aggregate demand for goods and services. The exogenous variables in the model are fiscal policy, monetary policy, and the price level. The lm curve represents the positive relationship between the interest rate and the level of income that arises from equilibrium in the market for real money balances.

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