MGTA36H3 Chapter : Chapter Seven Notes

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14 Jul 2011

Document Summary

6 steps to a successful team presentation: pick the right leader. Most knowledge of the topic, respected, known to be objective, give fair criticism: agree on the focus. Each members" part is just as important as any other: schedule frequent updates & reviews of the material. Each member talks to team leader to ensure they are headed in the right direction. Group meetings should be held to let everyone know what they are doing: conduct proper audience analysis. Understand who listeners are & their knowledge level & interests: pay attention to details. Leader or designate for room arrangements, equipment, visual aids & handouts. Presentation should be coordinated & reviewed before presentation day. & arrange a room for practice: have mutual respect for team members. Team leader responsibilities: buy-in of the concepts & strategies from management. Talk to key people before team begins working to avoid having to do things over again. The support of management help encourage team: audience analysis.