MGHB02H3 Chapter : Lec 16 Communication.docx
Document Summary
The process by which information is exchanged between a sender and a receiver. Interpersonal communication involves the exchange of information between people. The simplest prototype for interpersonal communication is a one-on-one exchange between two individuals. A model of the communication process and an example. Purchasing manager thinks, i think we"re getting short on a-40s. Purchasing manger keyboards memo to assistant requesting that he/she order a-40s. Assistant checks parts catalogue to determine what an a-40 is. Assistant realizes that he must place an order for flange bolts. Assistant sends the manager a copy of the order. The model demonstrates a number of points at which errors can occur. Effective communication occurs when the right people receive the right information in a timely manner. Violating any of these three conditions results in a communication episode that is ineffective. There are a few basic issues about organizational communication.