MGHB02H3 Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - Leadership

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11 Dec 2011

Document Summary

Most effective leaders have combination of vision, skills, expertise, toughness, need influence, ability to get your way with gov"t, the public, partners and peers others in an organization context. Leadership the influence that particular individuals exert on the goal achievement of. Traits associated with leadership effectiveness: intelligence, energy, self-confidence, Traits individual characteristics such as physical attributes, intellectual ability and personality dominance, motivation to lead, emotional stability, honesty and integrity and need for achievement openness to experience) are related to leadership behaviour. Three of the big five dimensions of personality (agreeableness, extraversion and. Most effective leaders have high levels of ei. Limitations of the trait approach leadership produces the traits. Difficult to determine whether traits make the leader or whether the opportunity for. Doesn"t take into account the situation in which leadership occurs. Traits are only a precondition for certain actions that a leader must take to be successful. Trait approach concerned with what leaders bring to a group setting.