MGHB02H3 Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - Power, Politics and Ethics
Document Summary
The bases of individual power are able to command. Power the capacity to influence others who are in a state of dependence. Target of power is dependent on the powerholder, does not imply that a poor relationship exists. Power can flow in any direction in an organization. Power can be found in the position that you occupy in the organization or the resource that you. Legitimate power power derived from a person"s position or job in an organization, authority given to that person. Employees cite legitimate power as major reason for following their boss"s directives. Reward power power derived from the ability to provide positive outcomes and prevent negative outcomes. Coercive power power derived form the use of punishment and threat. Lower org. members can also apply their share of coercion ie. work-to-rule. Referent power power derived from being well liked by others.