MGHB02H3 Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Social Influence, Socialization and Culture
Document Summary
Chapter 8 social influence, socialization, and culture. Information dependence reliance on others for information about how to think, feel, and act. Effect dependence reliance on others due to their capacity to provide rewards and punishment. Compliance conformity to a social norm prompted by the desire to acquire rewards or avoid punishment. Involves effect dependence individual adjust behaviour to norm but they do not really subscribe to the beliefs, values and attitudes that underlie the norm i. e. convicts conform to formal prison norms out of compliance. Identification conformity to a social norm prompted by perceptions that those who promote the norm at attractive or similar to oneself. Involves effect and information dependence if someone is similar to you, you rely on them for information about how they think/act. Often revealed by imitation process in which established members serve as models for the behaviour of others i. e. newly promoted exec. Attempt to dress and talk like her successful boss.