MGHB02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: High High
Document Summary
Group: two or more people interacting interdependently to achieve a common goal. Interaction is the most basic aspect of the group and members are interdependent on one another. Group membership is important because groups (1) exert influence social mechanisms by which we acquire many beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviours; (2) provide a context in which we are able to exert influence on others. Formal work groups: groups that are established by organizations to facilitate the achievement of organizational goals. Most common type manager and employees who report to manager. Informal groups: groups that emerge naturally in response to the common interests of the organizational members. Can either help or hurt the organization, depending on their norms for behaviour. Members try to orient themselves by testing the waters. this situation is often ambiguous, and members are aware of their dependency on each other. Conflict often emerges as members determine whether they will go along with the way the group is developing.