MGHB02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Email, Southern Australian, Arab Americans

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21 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Communication: the process by which information is exchanged between a sender and a receiver. A model of the communication process and an example: Sender must encode his/her thoughts into some form that can be transmitted to the receiver. Receiver must perceive the message and accurately decode it to achieve accurate understanding. Effective communication: communication whereby the right people receive the right information in a timely manner. Chain of command: lines of authority and formal reporting relationships. Such communication would flow up to and then down from a common manager. Chain of command fails to consider informal communication between members. Filtering: filtering: the tendency for a message to be watered down or stopped during transmission. 1 | p a g e: upward filtering occurs because employees are afraid that their boss will use the information against them, downward filtering is due to time pressures or lack of attention to detail.