MGHD27H3 Chapter 8: Textbook Notes - Chapter 8
Document Summary
Chapter 8 social influence, socialization, and culture (pg. Google has a culture that includes collaboration, a flat structure with very little hierarchy, kitchens that serve healthy food and encourage employees to eat together and socialize. People often act differently from how they normally would under social influence. In many social settings, people are dependent on others and this sets the stage for influence to occur. Individuals are motivated to comparing their own thoughts, feelings, and actions with those to acquire information about their adequacy (can be as strong as objective reality) Effect dependence is reliance on others due to their capacity to provide rewards and punishment. Having an interest in how an individual member think and act as well as having a member who frequently desires the approval of the group promotes effect dependence. Much of the information and many of the effects on which group members are dependent are oriented toward enforcing group norms.