MGMA01H3 Chapter : The consumer (s)
Document Summary
Consumer- is a person who uses a product but not necessarily buys the product. (e. g. babies & diapers) Customers are interchangeable with consumers because they can consume and purchase the product (e. g. parents for the diapers) Gatekeeper- a person who oversees the care of another (e. g. parents for babies) Consumer demand- in canada, consumer demand is driven by what we want rather than what we need. Describes the changes in consumer demand over time. Helps manage a product in terms of marketing, price, promotion, place & product. Four types of cycles: traditional, fad, seasonal & niche. N new product aka product launch is the moment when a new product is introduced into the marketplace; the birth of a new product. N new products use push and pull strategies. The purpose is to inform the consumer about new products and to establish the value equation.