MGMA01H3 Chapter 5: Chapter 5-Managing Marketing Information
Document Summary
other marketing i nformation considerations (please look at diagram 5. 1) I t begins and ends with the information users. gathering secondary data: com mercial onl i ne databases computerized collections of information available from online commercial sources or via the internet, secondary data can pose a problem as well, when the needed information does not exist. primary data collection: research approaches, observat ional research observing relevant people, actions, and situations. a form of observational research: survey research about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behaviour. telephone i nterviewing: one of the best methods for gathering information quickly, response rates tend to be higher than with mail questionnaires www. notesolution. com, however the costs are higher than that of mail questionnaires. onl i ne market ing research collecting primary data online through internet surveys, online focus groups, web- based experiments or tracking consumers" online behaviour.