MGMA01H3 Chapter 16: chapter 16

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Internet selling: retailers play a feedback role. Develop a marketing (retail) mix that fits the target market: the retail mix is comprised of, decision about goods and services, prices, location and distribution, retail image and promotion. Pricing strategy: the essential decisions concern relative price levels, other pricing decisions concern mark-ups, markdowns, loss leaders, odd pricing, and promotional pricing. 1 + population of b/ population of a www. notesolution. com. Other distribution decisions: ensure that adequate quantities of stock are available when consumers want to buy. Improve store atmosphere and customer service: retailers need to re-evaluate the quality of their service. Categorizing retailers: the following characteristics or bases can be used in categorizing them, shopping effort expended by customers, services provided to customers, product lines, location of retail transactions, form of ownership, margin and turnover. In-store retailing today: most retailing occurs in and through stores, grouping retailers by product lines produces three major categories, limited-line retailers, specialty retailers, general merchandise retailers.

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