MGMC02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Satisficing, Operant Conditioning
Document Summary
Judgment processes: representative, availability, ch10: heuristic heuristic. Judgment and decision making based on low effort. Low-effort judgment processes: judgments/decisions consumers make when mao is low. To simplify judgment process: representative heuristic judging by simply comparing stimulus with category prototype/exemplar. Can bias consumers either positively (e. g. companies position offerings similar to the leading brand) or negatively (e. g. price tactics it"s the cheapest or it"s on sale. performance tactics it cleans clothes better. normative tactics my mother bought it. habit tactics buy the same brand i bought last time. brand-loyalty tactics buy the brand i have a strong preference for. variety-seeking tactics i need to t ry something different. The tactic we learn for a product category depends on which brands are available and our experiences with them. Amount of advertising, price variations, # and similarity of brands also influence type of tactic we employ. * reinforcement satisfaction leading to positive attitude and repurchase.