MGMC02H3 Chapter Notes -Construals, Confirmation Bias, Negativity Bias

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2 Aug 2012

Document Summary

Judgment and decision making based on high effort. Judgments: evaluations of an object or estimates of likelihood of an outcome or event. Evaluations or estimates regarding the likelihood that products do not require decision. Decision making: making a selection among options of courses of action. Estimation of likelihood: judging how likely it is that something will occur. Judgments of goodness/badness: evaluating the desirability of the offering features. Combine judgment about product attributes, and actions associate with product to for attitude or evaluation. Anchoring and adjustment process: starting with an initial evaluation and adjusting it with additional information. Imagery: imagining an event in order to make a judgment. Visualizing an event increases likelihood of event because form positive bias when imagining oneself using product. Imagery lead to overestimation on satisfaction with product/service. Factors affecting quality of consumer decisions and consumer judgment in a variety of ways: Deciding which brands to consider: consideration set.