MGSC30H3 Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Intentional Torts
Document Summary
Wrong committed by one person against another or against the person"s property or reputation either intentionally or unintentionally. In business transactions and activities, law of torts and law of contract are two major areas. Contract law applies to business activities where the parties have voluntarily agreed to their rights and responsibilities and which the courts will enforce through civil action. Tort law, a party affected by a business activity that causes injury need not necessarily be associated with the business transaction but is injured by it. Businesses are responsible for the actions of their employees in the course of carrying out their duties. Forms of wilful or intentional interference are the torts of assault and battery and false imprisonment. These torts are ancient and represent breaches of the king"s peace and intentional injury. Assault threat of violence or injury to a person. Battery the unlawful touching or striking of another person.