MGSC30H3 Chapter 5: MGTC31 - Chapter 5

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13 Feb 2012

Document Summary

Strict liability: responsibility for loss regardless of the circumstances. Only deliberate direct injury was open to action and the application of the law was equally direct. Vicarious liability: the liability at law of one person for the acts of other. At common law, an employer is considered to be vicariously liable of the torts of the firm"s employees, if the torts are committed by the employees in the course of the business. Reasoning: because the employer"s are directing or controlling the employee. Negligence and the evolution of the duty not to injure to cover suffered by persons who were not intentionally injured but were injured nevertheless by the actions or inactions of others. Proximate cause/causation: a cause of injury directly related to an act of defendant. Difficult to determine since it is a matter dependent on each case. But for question would identify defendant"s actions as a cause of the injury or damage.

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