MGTA01H3 Chapter 8: Chapter 8 notes (What I used to study for final)
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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
Organizational structure: the specification of the jobs to be done within a business and how these jobs relate to one another. Organization charts: a physical depiction of the company"s structure showing employee titles and their relationship to one another. Chain of command: reporting relationships within a business; the flow of decision-making power in a firm. Job specialization: the process of identifying the specific jobs that need to be done and designating the people who will perform them. After jobs are specialized, they must be departmentalized. Departmentalization: the process of grouping jobs into logical units. This leads firms to treat departments as profit centres. Profit centre: a separate company unit responsible for its own costs and profits. When a company wants to assign a task, they need to figure out who is responsible for what and who has authority. Responsibility: the duty to perform an assigned task. Authority: the power to make the decisions necessary to complete a task.