MGTA01H3 Chapter 10: Chapter 10 notes (What I used to study for final)
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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
Psychological contract: the set of expectations held by an employee concerning what he or she will contribute to an organization (contributions) and what the organization will provide the employee (inducements) in return. Human relations: interactions between employers and employees and their attitudes toward one another. Job satisfaction: the pleasure and feeling of accomplishment employees derive from performing their jobs well. Morale: the generally positive or negative mental attitude of employees toward their work and workplace. Reflects the degree to which they perceive that their needs are being met by their jobs. By maintaining satisfied employees, management gains a more efficient and smooth-running company. Low morale may result in turn over. Turnover: the percentage of an organization"s workforce that leaves and must be replaced. Along with satisfaction and morale, motivation is also a key component in ensuring a business is successful. Motivation: the set of forces that causes people to behave in certain ways.