MGTA01H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3
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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Chapter 3 understanding entrepreneurship, small business, and. The links among small business, new venture creation, and. Almost 380 businesses start everyday in canada. New firms create the most jobs, are noted for their entrepreneurship, and are typically small. Small business, new venture, and entrepreneurship are closely linked terms but each idea is distinct. Measures used to define are the number of people the business employs, the company"s sales revenue, the size of the investment required, or the type of ownership structure the business has. Industry canada is the main federal government agency responsible for small business. When reporting the business statistics, the government relies on statistic canada"s two sources of info: the business register and the labour force survey. To be included in the register, a business must have at least one paid employee, annual sales revenues of ,000 or more or be incorporated. The labour force survey uses information from individuals to make estimates of employment and unemployment levels.