MGTA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Strategic Alliance, Franchising, Protectionism
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Total volume of world trade today is trillion each year. Globalization is the integration of market globally. Exports are products made or grown in canada that are sold abroad. Imports are products that are made or grown abroad and sold in canada. In past many nations followed strict policies to protect domestic business, today more and more countries are aggressively encouraging international trade. Governments and businesses have simply become more aware of the benefits of globalization to their countries and shareholders. The contemporary world economy revolves around three major marketplaces: north. They are home to most of the world"s largest economies, biggest multinational corporation, most influential financial markets, and highest-income consumers. Us and us,065: lowe middle-income countries are those with per capita income between. Us and us: low-income countries are those with annual per-capita income of less than. Due to low literacy rates, weak infrastructures, unstable governments, and related problems, there countries are less attractive to international business.