MGTA01H3 Chapter 8: Chapter 8
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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Human resource management (hr m) set of organizational activities directed as attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce. Job analysis a systematic analysis or job within an organization. Job description lists the duties of a job, its working conditions, and the tools, materials, and equipment used to perform it. Job specification lists the skills, abilities, and other credentials needed to do the job. Employee information systems (skills inventories) computerized systems that contain information on each employee"s education, skills, work experience, and career aspirations. managers can plans to manage predicted shortfalls or overstaffing. short fall is predicted, new employees can be hired, present employees can be restrained and transferred into understaffed areas, individuals approaching retirement can be convinced to stay on. Recruiting the phase in the staffing of a company in which the firm seeks to develop a pool of interested, qualified applicants for a position. Internal recruiting considering present employees as candidates for job openings.