MGTA01H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Notes
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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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industry canada is the main federal government agency responsible for this. annual sales revenues of or more, or be incorporated. goods-producing business = fewer than 100 employees. service-producing business = fewer than 50 employees. make estimates of employment and unemployment levels. they are working owners of a business that is either incorporated or unincorporated. they work for themselves but do not have a business (e. g. musicians) they work without pay in a family business. Not count in business establishments , the register an unincorporated business operated by a self-employed person (with no employees) Entrepreneurs people who were trying to start a business over four years. Small business an owner-managed business with less than 100 employees. Entrepreneurship the process of identifying an opportunity in the marketplace and accessing the resources needed to capitalize on it. not only occurs in small or new firms.