MGTA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Continuous Casting, Business Process, Ishikawa Diagram
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Chapter 2 increasing productivity and quality- mgta04. Productivity is a measure of economic performance. It measures how much is produced relative to the resources used to produce it. It considers both the amounts of and the quality of what is produced. By using materials more efficiently, the quantity of output will be greater. Quality a product"s finesses for use in terms of offering the features that consumer wants. Most countries use labour productivity to measure their level of productivity. Labour productivity of a country = gross domestic product / total number of workers. Partial productivity ratio calculated by dividing the gross domestic product by total number of workers. The difference from productivity from nation to nation the answer lies in many factors: technologies, human skills, economic policies, natural resources, and even in condition. Canada"s competitiveness is a concern because we have been living off our rich diet of natural resources.