MGTA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Dollarama, Maximum Exposure, University Of Toronto Scarborough
University Of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) Date: February 5, 2018
Course: MGTA02 (Winter)
Professor: Chris Bovaird
Shahriyar Safavi
Week 5 – Promotion & Place: Making Products Known,
Easy To Find And Easy To Get
1. Promotion: Any technique used to inform, educate and excite potential customers
about a business and its products, and to induce them to buy.
2. The buyer decision process: A five stage process that most consumers go through
before and after buying a good or service.
3. Promotional Mix: The combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotions,
publicity and public relations – that a business uses.
4. Advertising: Paid, non-personal communication used to raise awareness about the
business and its products.
5. Advertising media: The specific communication devices or channels used out to carry a
message to the target market.
6. Personal Selling: Promotional tool in which a salesperson communicates one on one
with potential customers.
7. Sales Promotion: A variety of short term incentives intended to stimulate immediate
interest and excitement in a product, and to stimulate sales.
8. Publicity: Any activity that generates news coverage about a business.
9. Public Relations: Public service activities designed to create goodwill and to enhance
the business’ image.
10. Distribution: The area of marketing mix concerned with getting products from the
producer to the buyer.
11. Distribution Channel: The path a product follows from the producer to the end user.
12. Direct selling or Direct Distribution: A business sells its products directly to the
consumer without passing through any intermediary.
13. Indirect Selling or Indirect Channels: Distribution of a product by selling to
intermediary, as opposed to the end user.
14. Distribution intermediary: Any business which helps another business distribute its
goods or services to the ultimate consumer.
15. Retailers: Intermediaries who sell products directly to end users.
16. Electronic Retailing: Use of the internet to promote products and services, and allow
consumers to purchase products directly from their home.
17. Wholesalers: Intermediaries who buy products in large quantities from the
manufacturer, and then store it and distribute it to retailers.
18. Agent/Broker: Individuals who act as representatives on behalf of sellers. They receive a
percentage of the revenue in return.
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Document Summary
University of toronto scarborough (utsc) date: february 5, 2018. Week 5 promotion & place: making products known, Intermediaries who buy products in large quantities from the manufacturer, and then store it and distribute it to retailers: agent/broker: individuals who act as representatives on behalf of sellers. The 5 stage buyer decision process: problem or need recognition: the first step is in the buying process if need recognition. To begin, consumers become aware of some situation in their life that needs solving or satisfying. A buyer will question their purchase and see if it was worth it or not and for which reasons. Outdoor advertising: personal selling, sales promotion. High low pricing (bay days at hudson"s bay) Intensive distribution: obtain maximum exposure, saturate all possible outlets. Selective distribution: product is available through limited number of selected stores. Exclusive distribution: product is available through very limited number of selected stores.