MGTA36H3 Chapter 3: Speaking Your Way To The Top - Chapter 3
Document Summary
Chapter 3: organizing your presentation: the 12 steps of organization. S make sure it is appropriate for the audience (follow pal) S best to say a lot about a little instead of a little about a lot. S keep in mind the amount of time you have and the level of audience you will be addressing. S first write down everything you know about the topic then you will be able to evaluate what you need to research and whom you need to interview or brainstorm with. Include more than just facts and figures (include stories, quotes, humour, case studies, visual aids) S will depend on the type of presentation you will be giving (informative or persuasive) S use between 3 5 main points in the body of your speech to support your central theme. S be sure to add transitions to connect the ideas.