MGTA36H3 Chapter 12&13: Speaking Your Way to The Top - Chapter 12 & 13

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29 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Chapter 12: platform dynamics: posture and movement. Your objective is to be comfortable and controlled while you are presenting. Stand up and spread your feet about six to eight inches apart, parallel to each other with toes pointed straight ahead. Standing in this position will stop any swaying or rocking motion. Having your chin raised gives you the aura of being in control. By making eye contact, you can determine if the audience is bored (you will have to pick up the pace) or if they are enthusiastic (this can help pump you up) To make proper eye contact, think of the audience sitting in a z formation and scan it: the eyes have it up and down, facial expressions. Men find it more difficult to smile while presenting than women do so practice helps. Can videotape self to see if you smile enough, if not, practice: body language.