PHLA10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 19: Mental Property, Lady Gaga
Document Summary
Dualism and the mind/body problem: essentially the mind/body problem questions whether or not the mind and the body are the same thing. Cartesian dualism = the idea that there are two kinds of objects in the world; physical objects and mental objects: descartes accepted that there are causal interactions between the two, but maintained that they were separate entities. Note: dualism presents a perfect passage to believing that the soul is immortal where as the body disintegrates (however this is not the approach that descartes himself took) 1st argument of dualism: descartes claims that a person can doubt the existence of their body, but cannot doubt the existence of their mind, based on leibniz law, he claimed that the mind and body are separate entities. Leibniz"s law, properly understood does not license the conclusion of non-identity (think of lady gaga example) Indubitable existence is not a property of objects, we can doubt propositions.