PHLA10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 19: Neurophysiology, Aboutness, Logical Truth

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4 Apr 2016

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Chapter 19: dualism and the mind body problem. Dualism is the idea that there are two kinds of things in the world. There are physical objects on the one hand, and, on the other, there are mental objects. Brain and bodies in which are physical things. There are casual interacions between the mental and the physical. Beliefs and desires can cause the parts of your body to move in various ways. This theory makes a claim about object and about the properies those objects possess. Your mind and your brain are one and the same object. Mental properies you have are physical properies e. g. to be in pain is to have a certain type of physical event occur in your central nervous system. The idenity theory asserts that mental terminology and physical terminology describe the same items in the world. People used the term water to denote various items in the world.

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