PHLB09H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Endocrinology, Ectopic Pregnancy, Sex Education

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Reproductive technology has changed thanks to this innovation. In a sterile laboratory container, fertilize an egg by injecting into it a single sperm cell others who may or may not be genetically related to it: can lead to the possibility of human reproductive cloning. Standard procedure calls for multiple eggs because often some of them will be defective and ovaries, usually a 30-minute outpatient surgery. Artificial insemination: older technique where sperm is mechanically inserted into the uterus without. Some eggs may not fertilize and occasionally none will. Around the third day, fertility experts can screen the embryos for genetic diseases using a technique known as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (pgd) To increase the chances of pregnancy, two or more embryos are usually transferred at once. The embryos, along with the fluid surrounding them, are placed in a long, straw-like tube called a transfer catheter.

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