PHYA11H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4, 8: Fictitious Force, Centrifugal Force, Roller Coaster
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Position versus time graphs: the value of the velocity is the slope of the curve, the direction of velocity is the tangent to the curve. Average speed = distance travelled / time taken. Constant acceleration s(t) = si + vis t + ( ) as t2. The 3rd equation is a work calculation (therefore rarely used) [the absence of time makes it rarely appear in kinematic solutions] The range equation (only to be used when dy = 0) Reference frame a coordinate system in which the experimenter makes position and time measurements of physical events. Inertial reference frame reference frames that move with constant speed in a straight line: the reference frames in which the laws of motion are valid. Alternative viewpoint: an object with an acceleration component (a r) perpendicular to the velocity (v) is travelling along a circle of radius r for at least a short while: r = v2 / ar.