POLA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Industrial Revolution, John Maynard Keynes, Takers

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International migration: globalization"s last frontier by jonathon w moses, chapter 3 (reading. Migration = uncontrollable human urge; wanting to move for more spiritual freedom, political liberty, higher standards of living (p. 35) The more tolerant the receiving state, the more attractive its" spiritual freedom + political liberty, the richer = strong economic pull. Passports, international controls on migration etc mostly product of 20th century wasn"t always like this in the past. Before wwi no constraints on movement across borders with exceptions such as japan the war caused uk to impose compulsory passport system, u. s. followed; states = migration controls with conflicts in 20th century (p. 36) 2 features unique to current international migration regime (p. 36-37) Extent of modern state"s control: never have political authorities had so much influence over the important life choices of resident populations. Inconsistency between nature + extent of controls on human freedom & dominant ideology of our time: liberalism.

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