PSYA01H3 Chapter 2: Chapter 2 summary notes
Document Summary
31/10/10 1:30 pm psychology: a science- a science with a special focus on causes of behaviour. Coming from 2 greek words, psukhe=breath/soul, logos=word/reason. People used to think the mind was a free floating spirit, was later considered to be the characteristic of the brain whose ultimate function is to control behaviour. Events that cause other events (or behaviour) are known as causal events. Different types of psychologists will have different levels of explanation to behaviours. Level refers to a choice of causes to study and methods of research to use. 1 reason for studying psych: human behaviour is the root of many of the world"s problems: poverty, crime, over pop. , drug addiction, bigotry etc. Areas of psychological research: research psychologists differ in 2 principle ways: 1. Types of behaviour they investigate, and the causal events they analyze. Exams the physiology of behaviour, esp. nervous system. Study almost all behavioural phenomina that can be observed in non-humans.