PSYA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Siamese Fighting Fish, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning Chamber
Document Summary
Learning: adaptive process in which tendency to perform particular behaviour is changed by experience. Performance: behavioural change produced by internal changes brought about by learning (evidence for learning, but imperfect) Orienting response: any response by which an organism directs appropriate sensory organs towards the source of a novel stimulus. Habituation: simplest form of learning, learning to not respond to an unimportant event that occurs repeatedly. George humphrey showed this in early psych textbook, experiment of tapping glass plate of snails and withdrawing into their shells. Same as snails but still reflexes to heat showing its not fatigue that causes it. Does with only 302 neurons in nervous system. Most common is short-term habituation if you tap snail shell few days later, response will be back. Animals with more complex nervous system capable of long term habituation i. e. hunting dog not responding to gunshots even between hunting seasons, and noises in new house keeping people awake.