PSYA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Postcentral Gyrus, Ganglion Cell, Optic Disc
Document Summary
Sensation: detection of simple properties of stimuli such as brightness, colour, warmth, sweetness. Perception: detection of objects, their locations, their movements and backgrounds. Perceptions dependant on learning, sensations involve innate, no clear boundary between the two. Only sense receptors brain processes detect things like temperature, salt concentration of blood, and these receptors can"t inform it about what is going on outside (outside info gathered by sense organs outside the brain) Detected stimuli by sense organs transmitted to brain through neural impulse, task of sense organs to transmit signals to brain that are coded to represent faithfully the events that have occurred in environment, brain analyzes and reconstructs. Transduction: process by which sense organs convert energy from environmental events into neural activity. In most senses specialized neurons, receptor cells, release chemical transmitter substances that stimulate other neurons altering rate of firing. In somatosenses dendrites of neurons respond directly to physical stimuli without receptor cells.