PSYA01H3 Chapter 1-4: PSYA01_Notes_-_Chap_1-4.pdf
Document Summary
Advise industry and governmental agencies about personnel matters, design of products, advertising and marketing, legislation. They make up and perform tests for personality, achievement and ability. They study different things: physiological processes of the nervous system, genetics, environmental events, personality, mental abilities, social interactions. Psychology is a new discipline, the first psychologist lived into the 1920s. Psychology: a science with a special focus on behavior; discovering and explaining the causes of behavior. These discoveries then lead to treatment for psychological disorders and improving the society. But what we focus on is how psychologists made their discoveries. The word psychology comes from two greek words: psukhe (breath or soul) and logos (word or reason) The modern meaning: psycho (mind) and logy (science) science of the mind, but it is really the science of behavior. Over time, what psychologists have thought about the mind has changed. First, they thought of it as an independent, free-floating spirit.