PSYA01H3 Chapter 5-9: PSYA01 Notes - Chap 5-9.pdf

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26 Sep 2013

Document Summary

Everything we learn is detected by sense organs and transmitted to our brains by sensory nerves. But how specific that information is depends on things like: the specific modality of the information, the. Sense organs and sensory nerves provide us with useful information about the outside world characteristics of the information, the state of the brain at the time it receives it. Information from different sources in the environment are processed differently by sensory systems. Ex. there is a clear difference between vision and audition. Vision: we see different things every second, but we have a sense that our visual world is stable. The visual system must provide that stability. Sound: it is not so variable the intensity of sound changes depending on how far we are from the source, but these changes are more gradual than those faced by the visual system. Also, sounds can go around obstacles, unlike light. Our auditory sense has more time to process signals.

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