PSYA01H3 Chapter 06: Chapter 06 - Perception
Document Summary
N visual perception is often described as a hierarchy of information processing: circuits of neurons analyze particular aspects of visual information and send the results of their analysis to another circuit, providing further analysis, evaluating more complex features. The higher level interacts with memories; the viewer recognizes familiar objects and learns the appearance of the new, unfamiliar ones. The map is like a mosaic; it is made of many modules. N module a block of cortical tissue that receives information from the same group of receptor cells. N although the primary visual cortex is necessary for visual perception, the perception of objects and of the totality of the visual scene takes place in the visual association cortex. S ventral stream the flow of information from the primary visual cortex to the visual association area in the lower temporal lobe; used to form the perception of an object"s shape, colour, and orientation (the what system)