PSYA01H3 Chapter 5: chapter 5

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Everything we learn is detected by sense organs and transmitted to our brains by sensory nerves. Milner and goodale: vision evolved to provide distal sensory control of movements that the animals make in order to survive and reproduce. Audition is extremely important for our social behaviour. Vision: provides info about distant events, as with smell, tells us about sources of aromatic molecules far upwind. Sensation: detection of elementary properties of a stimulus, ex. warmth, color. Perception: detection of the move complex properties of a stimulus, including its location and nature; involves learning, Ex. seeing color red is a sensation and seeing a red apple is perception. Sense organs: detect stimuli provided by light, sound, odour, taste, or mechanical contact with environment. This info is transmitted to brain by neural impulses (action potential) Task of the brain is to analyze info and reconstruct. Transduction: conversion of physical stimuli into changes in the activity of receptor www. notesolution. com cells of sensory organs.

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