PSYA01H3 Chapter 8: chapter 8 notes

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memory cognitive process of encoding, storing and retrieving information. encoding process by which sensory information is converted into a form that can be used by brain"s memory system. storage process of maintaining information in memory. retrieval active process of locating and using stored information. literal physiological changes that occur when something is learned. metaphorical conceptual information processing models of memory. learning tendency for behaviour to change as result of experience, with performance reflects brain"s plasticity. three forms of memory: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. sensory memory memory in which representations of physical features of stimulus are stored for very brief duration; held long enough to become part of short-term memory, no analysis takes place but longer than perception. short-term memory immediate memory for stimuli that have just been perceived; limited in capacity (7 + or 2 chunks of information) and duration (less than 20 seconds)

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