PSYA01H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Study Guide
Document Summary
Organisms originate and become adapted to their environment by biological means. Biological evolution changes in genetic and physical characteristics of a population or a group of organisms over time. Adaptive significance effectiveness in aiding the organism to adapt to changing environmental conditions. events and conditions that over successive generations, have slowly shaped the behaviour of our species. Evolutionary psychology an organism"s evolutionary history contributes to the development of behaviour patterns and cognitive strategies related to reproduction and survival during its lifetime. Culture sum of socially transmitted knowledge, customs and behaviour pattern common to a particular group of people. Essentialism all living things belong to a fixed class, an essence that characterizes it alone. Artificial selection particular animals are deliberately mated to produce offspring that possess especially desirable characteristics. Natural selection consequence of organisms that reproduce differentially. In a population, some members of a species produce more offspring than others.