PSYA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Applied Behavior Analysis, Reinforcement, Operant Conditioning

37 views5 pages
20 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Behaviour analysts study environment interactions by manipulating the relations among components of the three term contingency. Of 3 elements, consequence is the most frequently manipulated variable. Operant behaviours can be followed by 5 different kinds of consequences: Positive reinforcement: an increase in the frequency of a response that is regularly and reliably followed by an appetitive stimulus. Appetitive stimulus is any stimulus that an organism seeks out. A positive reinforcer is an appetitive stimulus that follows a response and increases the frequency of that response. Negative reinforcement: an increase in the frequency of a response that is regularly and reliably followed by the termination of an aversive stimulus. A negative reinforcer is an aversive stimulus that is terminated as soon as a response occurs and increases the frequency of that response. Both negative and positive reinforcement increase the likelihood that a given response will occur again.