PSYA01H3 Chapter 2: PSYA01 chapter 2 notes
Document Summary
brain has three major functions: controlling behavior, processing and retaining the information we receive from the environment, regulating the body"s physiological processes. nervous system consists of 2 divisions: central nervous system brain and the spinal cord. spinal cords contains circuits of nerve cells that control some simple reflexes such as automatically pulling away from a painfully hot object. part of the nervous system peripheral to the brain and spinal cord. sensory information (what is happening in the environment/body) id conveyed from sensory organs to the brain and spinal cord. brain has three major parts: brain stem includes the medulla, pons, and midbrain. corresponds basic functions: primary control of physiological functions and automatic behaviors, cerebellum pair of hemispheres resembling the cerebral hemispheres but much smaller and lying beneath and in back of them. controls posture and movements, especially rapid ones: cerebral hemisphere largest part of the brain.