PSYA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 18: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Aversion Therapy, Exposure Therapy
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Chapter 18 the treatment of psychological disorders. Eclectic approach: a form of therapy in which the therapist uses whatever method he or she feels will work best for a particular client at a particular time. Imaginal exposure: a form of therapy in which the therapist provides a client with graphic descriptions of a feared object; its goal is to diminish fear by extinguishing avoidance responses (cid:0) aversion therapy. Therapies based on operant conditioning (cid:0) behavior modification: behavior therapy based on the principles of operant conditioning. Maintaining behavioral change (cid:0) behavioral change may not generalize to other situations (cid:0) self- observation the client is taught to recognize when his or her behavior is appropriate. People can often learn from the mistakes of others: knowing that other people have problems similar to one"s own can bring comfort and relief. Biomedical therapies: a form of therapy that focuses on abnormal neural and physiological functioning.