PSYA02H3 Chapter 18: Chapter 18
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Chapter 18 notes the treatment of psychological disorders. This often means combining aspects of several different treatment approaches according to a particular client"s problem and personal circumstance. N every therapy except for 1 has the same key principle: making aware that which you are not aware of: the only exception is behaviour therapy, where behaviourism is simply just looking at behaviour; the outcome. N all major therapies has this as their goal: exposing you to that which you are afraid of: with behaviour therapy being effective for phobias. Insight therapy assume that people are essentially normal but learn maladaptive thought patterns and emotions, which are revealed in maladaptive behaviours: i. e. insight therapy gives you insight on things you don"t know about yourself. N free association a psychoanalytic procedure in which the client is encouraged to speak freely, without censoring possibly embarrassing or socially unacceptable thoughts or ideas: freud achieved his goal in two ways: