PSYA02H3 Chapter 15: PSYA02 Notes - Chap 15_17-18.pdf
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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
Humans are social beings, our behaviors can affect our actions, and our actions can affect our behaviors. Social psychology: the branch of psychology that studies our social nature how the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others influences our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To understand social behavior, we must pay attention to a person"s physical and social environment. A social situation depends on many cognitive processes. Social cognition: the processes involved in perceiving, interpreting, and acting on social information. How people attend to, perceive, interpret, respond to the social world. Impression formation: the way in which we integrate information about another"s traits into a coherent sense of who the person is. Asch: our impressions of others are formed by more complex rules than just a simple sum of characteristics that we use to describe people. Schema: a mental framework or body of knowledge that organizes and synthesizes information about a person/place/thing.