PSYA02H3 Chapter 10-14: PSYA02 Notes - Chap 10-14.pdf
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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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We"ve long known that most species can communicate with one another, but that doesn"t mean they have language ex. female moth releases pheromones to male, when she"s ready to mate they have language. They found that true verbal ability is a social behavior. Language is important in our every day communication: Remembering and thinking (we encode info in memory verbally) We extend our long-term memory for information by writing notes and then consulting them later. Language lets us think about complex/abstract issues. Psycholinguistics: a branch of psychology devoted to the study of verbal behavior. They are concerned about human cognition rather than rules that come with language. They see how children acquire language, how verbal behavior develops and how children learn to speak from interactions with adults. They see how verbal abilities interact with other cognitive abilities. Being able to engage in verbal behavior has been an advantage for our species.